OneOCII provides access to cyberinfrastructure resources and offers education and expertise.

Access to Cyberinfrastructure
Currently, OneOCII has over 1,000 HPC users in Oklahoma, at over 20 Oklahoma academic, government, industry and nongovernmental institutions, plus over hundreds of collaborators outside of Oklahoma.

The Oklahoma Supercomputing Symposium is an annual conference, held since 2002, that has had over 5,000 attendees from 319 academic institutions in 46 U.S. states and four U.S. territories, plus 10 other countries on five other continents, including over 40 institutions in Oklahoma and over 70 other institutions in 25 of 28 EPSCoR jurisdictions. Participation has also included over 200 commercial firms, over 50 government agencies and over 30 non-governmental organizations.

"Supercomputing in Plain English" (SiPE) workshop series: 11 talks about HPC, taught with stories, analogies and play rather than deep technical jargon have reached 500+ institutions (academic, government, industry, nonprofit) in every U.S. state and three U.S. territories, plus over 25 other countries on five continents.

Faculty & Staff Development Workshops
Workshops held at OU and OSU on advanced computing and Computational & Data Enabled Science & Engineering pedagogy have been sponsored by the SC supercomputing conference series, the National Computational Science Institute (NCSI), the Linux Clusters Institute (LCI), the Virtual School for Computational Science & Engineering (VSCSE), and Software Carpentry.
SC supercomputing conferences
National Computational Science Institute
Linux Clusters Institute
Virtual School for Computational Science & Engineering
Software Carpentry

"Supercomputing in Plain English" (SiPE) overview talk (24 OK academic, including every public university in OK). Oklahoma institutions are revisited typically every 2-5 years.

Proposal Support
Commitment letters for access to OneOCII resources; collaborations on projects.

Acquired or helped acquire technology (e.g., network upgrade, mini- or full supercomputer, high definition video camera for tele-presence) for that institution.
- Grant No. EPS-0919466, “A cyberCommons for Ecological Forecasting,” OU+OSU+KU+KSU, $6M ($3M to Oklahoma)
- Grant No. EPS-1006919, “Oklahoma Optical Initiative,” OU+OSU+Noble+TU+LU+OneNet, $1.17M
- Grant No. OCI-10310029, “MRI: Acquisition of Extensible Petascale Storage for Data Intensive Research,” OU, $793K
- Grant No. OCI-1126330, “Acquisition of a High Performance Compute Cluster for Multidisciplinary Research,” OSU, $908K
- Grant No. ACI- 1229107, “Acquisition of a High Performance Computing Cluster for Research and Education,” LU, $250
- Grant No. ACI-1440774, “ENCITE: ENabling CyberInfrastructure via Training and Engagement,” OneNet+GPN, $130K
- Grant No. ACI-1341028, “OneOklahoma Friction Free Network,” OU+OSU+LU+OII+UCO+OneNet, $500K
- Grant No. ACI-1440783, “A Model for Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Research and Education Facilitators,” OU, $400K
- Grant No. ACI-1429702, “MRI: Acquisition of a High Performance Computing Cluster for Research at a Predominantly Undergraduate Institution,” UCO, $304K
- Grant No. ACI-1531128, “MRI: Acquisition of Shared High Performance Compute Cluster for Multidisciplinary Computational and Data-Intensive Research,” OSU, $950K
- Grant No. W911NF-15-1-050, “DURIP-ARO: Heterogeneous Cluster for Cyber-Physical System Security Analytics,” TU, $200K
- Grant No. CNS-1531270, “MRI: Development of Heterogeneous Cluster for Cyber-Physical System Hybrid Analytics,” TU, $180K
- Grant No. OAC-1659235, “CC* Network Design: Multiple Organization Regional One Oklahoma Friction Free Network (MORe OFFN)”, NSU+SWOSU+SE+RSU, $334K
- Grant No. OAC-1828567, “MRI: Acquisition of a Regional Resource for Long-term Archiving of Large Scale Research Data Collections,” OU, $968K
- Grant No. OAC-1925744, “CC* Regional: Extended Vital Education Reach Multiple Organization Regional OneOklahoma Friction Free Network,” ORU+CU+ECU, $500K
- Grant No. OAC-1925681, “CC* Team: Great Plains Regional CyberTeam,” $950K (OU subaward $127K) – all of GPN
- Grant No. OAC-2018453, “CC* Regional: Small Institution Multiple Organization Regional OneOklahoma Friction Free Network,” USAO+OC+OSUIT+OSU-OKC+RCC, $232K
- Grant No. OAC-2126285, “CC* Regional: Extended Small Institution - Multiple Organization Regional - OneOklahoma Friction Free Network,” OCU+CU FISTA, $415K
- Grant No. OAC-2201442, “CC* Regional: Campus Research & Education Multiple Organization Regional OneOklahoma Friction Free Network,” CMN+MSC+OSUIT+RSU, $942K
- Grant No. OAC-2201479, “CC* Compute: Collaboration in Computing Infrastructure for Research and Education,” LU, $399K
- Grant No. OAC-2201435, “CC* Compute: GPU HPC Cluster Partition for Research, Education, and Student Success, ORU, $399K
- Grant No. OAC-2201561, “CC* Compute: OneOklahoma Cyberinfrastructure Initiative Research Accelerator for Machine Learning (OneOCII-RAML),” OU, $400K

Workforce Development
Oklahoma leads the Research Computing Facilitators Virtual Residency Program, the Cyberinfrastructure Leadership Academy, and the Certified Cyberinfrastructure Facilitator Training and Development program, which are national programs that train cyberinfrastructure professionals.
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